WUT Delegation visited Germany, Hungary, and France
Update Time:2024-05-23 12:51:27

From May 11th to May 19th, Vice President Luo Rong, along with a delegation visited universities, Chinese embassies/consulates, and Confucius institutes in Germany, Hungary, and France andheld a series of job fairs for talents there.

WUT Delegation andMunich Confucius Institute visitedthe Chinese Consulate General in Munich and RWTH Aachen University,and held job fairs there

From May 12th to May 13th, the delegation had a colloquium with Confucius Institute Munich. Luo Rong explained that WUT agreed to actively participate in activities to improve China-German cultural people-to-people exchange and organize summer camps. German youngsters were welcomed to WUT for exchange. After that, Luo Rong and the delegation visited Consulate General of People’s Republic of China in Munich and had a conversation with Tong Defa, the consul general. Luo had a comprehensive introduction of WUT’s cooperation with Germany in education and indicated that in an attempt to improve China-German exchange, WUT would offer convenience for German youth to study and intern in China. The delegation also visited RWTH Aachen and had a deep discussion with Prof. Bernard Markert, the executive chairman of the alumni foundation of the university. Both sides witnessed a signing ceremony for student programs and held a job fair for talents after that, with more than 20 scholars and doctors from various majors engaged.

WUT Delegation visited the Chinese Embassy in Hungary, Pest State Government and ELTE Confucius Institute, Vice-President Luo Rong attended the AMBA & BGA Conference and received the BGA accreditation (Gold Status)

On May 14th, the delegation visited Embassy of The PRC in Hungary and had a practical talk with the counsellor Han Dongshen. Luo Rong illustrated that WUT would actively implement the initiative “double the scale of the exchange of European youth to China” to enhance China-Hungarian exchange. Subsequently, Luo Rong and the delegation visited Pest megye, Hungary and had a symposium with the municipal government led by the mayor Karácsony and the delegation of Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Hungary University of Agriculture and Life Science. She emphasized that this visit deepened the cooperation with Hungarian higher education and more Hungarian students to Wuhan for exchange. Besides, the delegation visited Confucius institute of Eötvös Loránd University and had a deep talk on China-Hungarian cultural exchange. During the visit into Hungary, Luo Rong was invited to the Global Conference 2024 of AMBA & BGA and the School of Management WUT was granted the BGA accreditation (Gold Status).

The delegation visited SKEMA Business School, Efrei School of Engineers, University of Aix-Marseille, visited the Chinese Embassy in France, and organized a special job fair in Paris

From May 15th to 17th, the delegation visited SKEMABusiness School, Aix-Marseille University, and Efrei in Paris. The delegation first visited SKEMA and had a discussionwith the Vice President Christophe Germain and other representatives. In the meeting, Luo Rong invited Vice President Christophe Germain to visit WUT and expressed that WUT hoped that SKEMA send faculty members to work as part-time professors in WUT. In return, WUT would be willing to provide internship opportunities for students from SKEMA who come to China. During the exchange, the two sides reached an agreement to cooperate on deepening exchanges in various fields. Subsequently, Luo Rong led the delegation to visit the Embassy of the PRC in the French Republic and communicate with Minister-Counselor Zhou Jiagui. During the meeting, Luo Rong said that WUT would formulate specific initiatives to implement the cooperation initiative to promote French students studying in China to exceed 10,000 in the next three years, and double the scale of the exchange of European youth to China, so as to contribute to the promotion of China-French humanistic exchanges.

At Aix-Marseille University, Luo Rong listened to the work report of the Institute of WUT-AMU and had a discussion with Sophie Chauvet, Assistant Vice President of the University. They reviewed the fruits of the cooperation between the two universities in organizing the first China-French educational institution, discussed key priorities such as the cultivation of masters, the two-way exchanges of youth, and the progress of the revision of the statutes of the College. WUT looked forward to reuniting with the French delegation who came to WUT for a working visit and to Beijing for the exhibition of the achievements of China-French cooperative institutions.

Finally, Luo Rong led the delegation to visit Efrei in Paris and had a discussion with Prof Emmanuel Peter, Vice President of Efrei. Luo Rong said that WUT waswilling to deepen the cooperation with Efrei to implement cooperative education projects, and to provide positions and opportunities for students who wantedto intern in China. During the exchange, the delegation was also invited to visit the university's cyber security lab and new campus. During the visit toFrance, the delegation also held a series of job fairs for talentsin Paris, in which the atmosphere was lively and warm, with more than 40 doctorsand scholars signing up.

To implement the guiding principles of President Xi Jinping on accelerating two-way cultural exchanges during his visit to Europe in early May and to promote the strategic deployment of WUT's "14th Five-Year Plan" and "Medium-LongTerm Development Plan", WUT organized this visit to Germany, Hungary, and France, which wasalso in line with the Ministry of Education's requirements for further deepening cooperation in education, science, and technology between China and Germany, China and Hungary, and China and France. This visit wasof significant importance for further promoting comprehensive and multi-level exchanges between WUT and other universities as well as research institutions.

Other participators included representatives from Graduate School,International Office, School of Information Engineering, Institute of WUT-AMU, and School of Management. During the visit, the delegation promoted the 2025World Digital EducationConferenceto the participators above-mentioned.

Written by: Qiao Jiang

Rewritten by: Fan Yiwen, Peng Zhiming

Edited by: Wang Jingjing, Li Tiantian

Source: International Office