President Yang Zongkai visited Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands
Update Time:2024-06-01 09:15:23

From May 12th to 21st, Shao Xinyu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and First Vice Governor, led a delegation of Hubei's scientific and technological innovation sector on a visit to Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands. President Yang Zongkai of WUT facilitated the collaborative exchange efforts of the Hubei delegation.

During their European tour, Vice Governor Shao Xinyu and the delegation met with relevant government departments, corporate entities, and universities. They provided a comprehensive overview of the operational status of Hubei's Scientific and Technological Innovation Supply Chain Platform and organized over 20 promotional events for the platform, significantly fostering dialogue and exchange between Hubei and the Europe in the realms of technological innovation, higher education development, and industrial advancement.

The Delegation exchanges with the President of Politecnico di Torino

President Yang Zongkai discusses with the President of Politecnico di Torino

The Delegation visits Sapienza University of Rome

During the delegation's visit to Politecnico di Torino in Italy, President Yang Zongkai was invited to introduce the overall situation of WUT and the achievements in international cooperation. He introduced WUT’s cooperation with Italian universities in recent years and the future plans to deepen this collaboration. Stefano Coglitore, the President of Politecnico di Torino, presented an overview situation of their academic research and global cooperation. Two sides discussed in depth on the implementation of joint talent training programs and research collaborations, expressing the willingness to take this opportunity to promote subsequent multi-level and comprehensive inter-university cooperation.

The delegation also visited Sapienza University of Rome and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. President Yang Zongkai had in-depth exchanges with the leaders of these universities on promoting cooperation in the fields of teaching and research and introduced the 2025 World Digital Education Conference, laying a solid foundation for continuous dialogue and exchange between the institutions.

President Yang Zongkai presents a special report at the promotion ,meeting of the Hubei Provincial Scientific and Technological Innovation Supply Chain Platform and the 2025 World Digital Education Conference, and the symposium for overseas alumni and experts from Hubei Province held in The Hague, Netherlands

At the Promotion Meeting of Hubei Provincial Scientific and Technological Innovation Supply Chain Platform and the 2025 World Digital Education Conference held in The Hague, along with the symposium for overseas alumni and experts from Hubei Province, President Yang Zongkai made a special presentation to the attendees on the upcoming 2025 World Digital Education Conference to be held in Wuhan, Hubei. President Yang emphasized that China’s educational digitization strategy was evolving from the "3C" (Connection, Content, Collaboration) to the "3I" (Integration, Intelligence, Internationalization). In this context, WUT would actively strengthen digital education development, focusing on artificial intelligence and educational innovation, empowering educational modernization through digital education, and contributing to the implementation of the national educational digitization strategy and Hubei's digital development with the WUT strength.

The Delegation exchanges with Asti Province, Italy

During the visit, the delegation met with officials from Chinese embassies and consulates, as well as key government officials including the Vice Chairman of the Piedmont Region, Governor of Asti Province, Deputy Mayor of Rome, and the Director of Foreign Trade and Investment for the Walloon Region in Belgium. They were also invited to visit the Sino-Belgian Technology Park in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, and the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, Netherlands, learning about the development of Hubei companies like Silicon Integrated and Voyah in these parks and their efforts to expand into overseas markets. Additionally, the delegation attended the signing ceremony for the joint establishment of a medical and health fund by the Yangtze River Industrial Group and Cathay Capital.

This visit further deepened the dialogue and exchanges between WUT and relevant European universities, research institutions, and enterprises, significantly contributing to the development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Europe.

Written by: International Office

Rewritten by: Wang Jingjing

Edited by: Yu Mengmei, Li Tiantian

Source: International Office